Prof. Antonova's talks in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Prof. Katherine Antonova just returned from a semester of research leave in St. Petersburg, Russia, funded by American Councils and the PSC-CUNY Research Foundation. She was delighted to find tremendous riches in the archives for her forthcoming book project, Holy Men, Troublesome Women: The Transformation of Russian Elites after Napoleon. While in Russia, Prof. Antonova presented twice on the recent Russian translation of her first book, An Ordinary Marriage: The World of a Gentry Family in Provincial Russia (OUP 2013) as Gospoda Chikhachevy: Mir pomestnogo dvorianstva v Nikolaevskoi Rossii (Historia Rossica, NLO, 2019), at the German Institute in Moscow and at European University in St. Petersburg. She also presented a different research project on reevaluating Russian textile proto-industrialization at the conference “Regions of Imperial Russia: Identities, Representations, Meanings“ at the Regional History Laboratory of the Higher School of Economics in Moscow.